Smooth-Action Spring Hinges for Industry

Guden offers a variety of Spring hinges listed below.

Spring Hinges
In stock from 1.10 inches to 8.75 inches long
Spring loaded to open and close
In stock for same day shipment
Our stock hinges can be customized to meet your individual requirements. See our Custom Hinge site.

Guden has the largest selection of Spring Hinges anywhere! We stock them in both spring-loaded-to-open and spring-loaded-to-close versions, with and without holes and in steel, zinc plated steel, stainless steel and aluminum. Our size selection for stock items starts with a .75" open by 1.25" long all the way to 1.50" open by 8.75" long. Choose from a wide variety of spring tensions and we will gladly supply engineering samples for your testing and prototype needs to insure the right fit and motion for your application.

Our Cabinet Spring Hinge is for surface applications. Stocked in 1.10" and 2.00” size, the hinges are available in a nickel or brass plated steel and stainless steel.

Additionally, we stock a Cover Hinge which is designed to cover a small opening in a cabinet where quick access is needed. This part is also known as a switch cover hinge, access cover hinge, spring-loaded cover hinge or a receptacle hinge. This hinge provides an economical solution to both securely protect and cover an access panel opening. The Cover Hinge is available in zinc plated steel and stainless steel.

If one of our stock offerings isn't the right fit for your application, we can also assist you in the design of a custom spring hinge for your application. Special lengths, widths, and spring tensions are available as well as numerous other custom operations. Please visit the Spring Hinge section of the Hinge Guru for guidance.

If you are looking for a removable hinge you may want to check out our huge selection of Spring Latches.

See our notes on Measuring Spring Hinge Torque       and our Spring Hinge Video!

Check out our deep dive on Spring Hinges.

Spring Hinges Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Helpful Information

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  • More information about Spring Hinges can be found in the additional questions and answers below or on our Spring Hinge page.
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  • Also check out our informative video on Spring Hinges.

What is a spring hinge?

A spring hinge is typically a regular hinge with at least one knuckle removed and replaced with a torsion spring. The spring legs apply pressure on the hinge leaves to move them.

What types of spring hinges are there?

There are two main types of spring hinges; Spring-loaded-to-close hinges have a spring that pushes the leaves together to the hinge closed position. Spring-loaded-to-open hinges push the leaves apart to the hinge open position.

In a spring hinge, what is the difference between Spring loaded to close and Spring loaded to open?

Though the hinges may look the same, the difference is whether the spring legs push the leaves to the closed position or to the open position.

I need my spring hinge to open my door when it is unlatched, should I use a hinge that is spring-loaded-to-open?

The action of the door is not necessarily the same as the type of spring hinge you use. You need to analyze your application and see which direction the leaves will be pushed by the spring after the hinge is mounted.

Can I get a spring hinge in a custom strength?

In most cases yes. You would need to know the exact spring torque and dimensions for a spring manufacturer to analyze and see if it could be made. It's also recommended to use a standard stock spring hinge and see if multiple hinges could satisfy your application.

How do I specify the torque for my spring hinge?

There are ways to calculate the torque of a spring hinge but with the friction of the spring and hinges when assembled, the calculated torque is not correct. Maybe only a starting point. We suggest you try some of our standard spring hinges to get close. Many time you will find that one of our standard parts work. If not, you can have us provide a samples until we get your application right.

What materials are spring hinges typically made from?

You will find spring hinges mainly in steel, stainless steel and aluminum with some fancy ones in brass, bronze or other materials. Finishes can also be done, but care should be taken that the spring legs have free movement after any surface treatments. Torsion springs are typically made in steel or stainless steel.