Gas Springs and Dampers Safety and Design

Here are some important rules about Gas Springs and Dampers:

Gas Spring Guru

  • Never allow a single gas spring or damper to be the only thing preventing a fall on to a person's body or body part. Always add redundant units, props or supports for safety.

  • Always take care to account for forces at the mounting points, and provide sufficient strength in connectors, mounting brackets and fasteners.

  • Always store and mount the gas spring or damper roughly vertical with the rod end down (except compression dampers, which should be rod up).

  • Always align your design such that all forces or loads are purely axial in direction.

  • Never allow any sideways forces on the rod or tube, and never allow any contact against rod or tube.

  • Never allow any bending torque around the mounting points, they should be free swiveling.

  • Keep cycles-per-minute under 4; faster cycling will overheat and/or over wear the seals.

  • Although it is common practice, it is not recommended to use the gas spring or damper to stop travel.

  • Never chip, bend, dent, paint or scratch the rod as this will damage the seals.

  • Never attempt to puncture or burn the gas spring or damper.

Standard Gas Springs

Mini Gas Springs

What is a Gas Spring?

Gas Spring Cross Reference

Need Help Selecting A Gas Spring?

Gas Spring FAQ

Notes about Safety